
Holst, Advokater Advokatpartnerselskab
T, +45 8934 0000
F, +45 8934 0001

CVR: 35680470


Hans Broges Gade 2

DK-8000 Aarhus C


Indiavej 1

DK-2100 København Ø

Camilla Kirk



About Camilla

Camilla specialises in administrating all types of estates of deceased persons. She also advises on drawing up wills, prenuptial agreements and powers of attorney, as well as loans and gifts to family members.

Camilla is committed to her clients and handles each assignment with respect for the person sitting in front of her. She is solution-oriented and sees the big picture – even in cases of conflicting interests.

To strengthen her personal and solution-oriented approach, Camilla attended mediator training with the Association of Danish Law Firms (“Danske Advokater”) in 2020.

Experience & Education

  • 2009 Master of Law, Aarhus University
  • 2021 Licensed administrator by the District Court of Aarhus

Admission to practise law

  • 01-03-2012


  • Association of Danish Inheritance Lawyers

  • Danske Familieadvokater (Danish Family Lawyers)
  • Labelling scheme under the Association of Danish Law Firms: ”Trygt Boskifte”


  • Various newsletters in Danish pertaining to estate administration, wills and succession.