
Holst, Advokater Advokatpartnerselskab
T, +45 8934 0000
F, +45 8934 0001

CVR: 35680470


Hans Broges Gade 2

DK-8000 Aarhus C


Indiavej 1

DK-2100 København Ø

Andreas Kærsgaard Mylin



About Andreas Kærsgaard

Andreas has more than 25 years of experience, mainly within the restructuring of ailing businesses, involving also advisory services to the management, interim management and compositions with creditors. Furthermore, Andreas provides advice on the transfer of businesses in distress and other insolvency law issues. He has conducted several insolvency cases before the Danish Supreme Court and has been ap-pointed a permanent trustee to the Maritime and Commercial Court in Copenhagen.

Andreas also provides general advice on commercial law issues; his approach to every case always being business-oriented, value-creating and pro-active, while still being rooted in a tradition encompassing unbound creativity when creating client-oriented solutions.

Experience & Education

  • 1994 Master of Law, Aarhus University
  • 1997 Plesner Law Firm
  • 2010 Acting high court judge in the Eastern Division of the Danish High Court
  • 2012 Accura Law Firm

Admission to practise law

  • 01-02-1997

Right of audience

  • The Supreme Court, 2002


  • English


  • 1997-2004

  • Contracts and torts law, construction law and international law of sales (University of Copenhagen)

  • 2000-2007

  • Mandatory basic training programme for lawyers (The Danish Bar and Law Society)

  • 2002-

  • Mandatory supplementary training programme for lawyers and auditors (The Association of Danish Law Firms, ‘DJØF’ (trade union for lawyers and economists), and others)

  • 2010-

  • Insolvency law (Master’s programme), including restructuring and bankruptcy law (University of Copenhagen)


  • ‘Kuratorforeningen’ (association of Danish trustees)

  • Association of Danish Insolvency Lawyers

  • Chambers and Partners


  • Co-author of text book “Rekonstruktion – teori og praksis”, Dansk Jurist- & Økonomforbunds Forlag, third edition, 2023.