About Thue
Thue has worked in the sector for more than 20 years, focusing on company law issues and transactions for clients in the financial and real estate sectors.
In recent years, he has assisted a number of real estate funds, drawing on his knowledge of company law, company transfers and financial regulation (including the AIFM Directive) in the work of establishing property funds and the funds’ property transactions and construction projects, especially in company form.
Thue excels at ‘thinking outside the box’ and getting things done.
Experience & Education
- 2002 Master of Law
- 2007 Ph.D.
Admission to practise law
- 02-10-2006
Right of audience
- The High Courts
- English, German
(2010). Book in Danish on financial institutions and their consultancy liability in connection with securities trading (“Pengeinstitutters rådgivningsansvar ved værdipapirhandel“). Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing