Duty to provide information
Information on corporate structure, insurance, measures to prevent money laundering etc.
Under the rules currently applicable to Danish legal professionals, Danish law firms must make available to its clients and other collaborators etc. certain information on the relevant law firm.
Legal structure of Holst, Advokater
Holst, Advokater, CVR no. 35680470, is structured as a limited liability partnership (in Danish: P/S).
The formal name of the company is:
- Holst, Advokater Advokatpartnerselskab
The company has the following secondary names:
- Holst, Advokater P/S
- Holst, Advokatpartnerselskab
The company’s share capital is DKK 1,600,000. The share capital has been fully paid up.
The company’s general partner is:
- Holst, Advokatanpartsselskab, CVR no. 25651197
The company is owned by the partners listed under “People” on this website.
Contact details, Holst, Advokater
Holst, Advokater
Hans Broges Gade 2
DK-8000 Aarhus C
T, +45 8934 0000
E, info@holst-law.com
Holst, Advokater
Indiavej 1
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
T, +45 8934 0000
E, info@holst-law.com
Holst, Advokater’s attorneys
Holst, Advokater’s attorneys are licensed by the Danish Ministry of Justice and are members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
As described in Holst, Advokater’s business terms, any dispute between the client and Holst, Advokater must be resolved in compliance with Danish law in a Danish court of law. The business terms are available at the website under the tab “Business Terms of Holst, Advokater”.
Insurers of Holst, Advokater
Holst, Advokater has taken out a professional indemnity and compulsory guarantee insurance policy in compliance with the rules determined by the Danish Bar and Law Society with Codan Forsikring A/S, Gl. Kongevej 60, DK-1790 Copenhagen V, T, +45 3355 5555, e-mail: codan@codan.dk.
The insurance covers all legal practice no matter where the practice takes place.
Policy no.: 900 453 0060.
Please note that in the section entitled Liability, limitation of liability and insurance included in the Business Terms of Holst, Advokater, certain specific comments have been made with respect to the insurance coverage of our law firm.
Money laundering rules – background and consequences for legal professionals
Like all other Danish law firms and several other types of undertakings, Holst, Advokater is subject to the rules laid down in the Danish “Money Laundering Act”.
The official title of the Money Laundering Act is the Danish Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (Consolidated Act no. 316 of 11 March 2022).
As indicated by the title, the object of the Money Laundering Act is to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
The Money Laundering Act includes an obligation for Danish legal professionals (including law firms) to obtain and keep identity information on their clients.
Holst, Advokater of course focuses on this particular subject, internally as well as externally. This means that our clients are requested e.g. to verify their personal identity, typically by submitting a copy of their passport or driver’s license as well as address details, for the purpose of our acceptance and handling of cases.