About Carsten
Carsten is one of Denmark’s most renowned attorneys specialising in construction law and litigation.
Having handled hundreds of cases over more than 20 years, Carsten has a strong strategic and tactical sense of the other contracting party, case and situation – a sense that always results in the best commercial and legal outcome for his clients.
Carsten has advised on many of the largest legal proceedings in Denmark pertaining to construction law.
Practice areas
Experience & Education
- 1996 Master of Law
- 1998 Visiting Fellow, New York University
- 2000 Ph.D.
Admission to practise law
- 12-01-2003
Right of audience
- The Supreme Court, 2009
- English
Aarhus City Hostel A/S
Emsen A/S
OnlinePOS A/S
OnlinePOS Event ApS
Payment Group A/S
System Estate A/S
- System Frugt Estate A/S
Member of the board:
- Det Danske Selskab for Byggeret
(2000). Book in Danish about earned income taxation (”Beskatning af lønindkomst, herunder aktiebaserede aflønningsformer”): Djøfs Forlag
(2005). Co-author of Guidelines on share options (in Danish) under the Danish Bar and Law Society
Several articles on construction law matters