Practice areas

Holst, Advokater Advokatpartnerselskab
T, +45 8934 0000
F, +45 8934 0001

CVR: 35680470


Hans Broges Gade 2

DK-8000 Aarhus C


Indiavej 1

DK-2100 København Ø


Administrative law

Administrative law – advice, case management and access to documents

We advise on a broad range of issues related to government administration in connection with our other consulting activities and as an independent area of law. We collaborate with municipalities and other public authorities on administrative case management and access to documents.

We are mindful of the rules of administrative law when handling any given task. For example, in construction cases we are not only aware of the local plan and building regulations, but also of the government administrative process. In procurement cases, we assist both contracting entities and tenderers when requesting access to documents. We also advise government authorities – primarily municipalities – on all aspects of government administration law. We are a sounding board during regulatory processing and a representative during any disputes before the appeal authorities or in the courts.

In short, we are mindful of administrative law in our general advisory activities and provide specialised assistance to private and public sector clients in relation to the Danish Public Administration Act, the Danish Public Access to Information Act and general administrative law.