Legal advice on the construction works for the major Baltic Pipe project
Danish Energinet is to fund about 50% of the Baltic Pipe project and Holst, has assisted with legal advice, perusal of tender documents, negotiations with tenderers, tender evaluation and select-ing of risk profiles in relation to sub-projects.
The gas pipeline will connect Norwegian, Danish and Polish gas systems, and it will be established under a cooperation between the Danish and Polish authorities, i.e. Energinet and GAZ-SYSTEM. The object is, i.a., to ensure the supply of natural gas to Poland and to provide Danish customers using natural gas with cost savings, since the gas supply is made more stable and the project is sup-ported by the EU.
With partner Jakob B. Sørensen as head responsible, Holst, has provided advice to Energinet in connection with the construction works which are expected to amount to DKK 12-16 billion, of which Energinet must pay for about half.
Among others, the assistance from Holst, has comprised:
- General advice regarding project specific risks and the uncovering of such
- Perusal and commenting of tender documents, including insurance matters and the corre-lation between such and the contract terms
- Negotiations with tenderers
- Tender evaluation and the preparation of evaluation report and notification to tenderers
- Selecting risk profiles in connection with the various sub-projects
- Assistance pertaining to the completion of each individual sub-project.
The sub-projects have comprised several different types of deliveries ranging from quite simple component deliveries to deliveries of advanced sub-components under terms corresponding to the main contract. Several types of standard agreements were involved:
- Purchase of components (ORGALIME)
- Consultancy services agreements (ABR)
- Installation agreements FIDIC Yellow Book, 1. edition
- Installation agreements FIDIC Yellow Book, 2. edition
- Installation agreements FIDIC Red Book, 2. edition
- Installation agreements LOGIC standard offshore contracts
- Construction contracts (ABT 18)
Baltic Pipe will begin gas transmission services in October 2022.