
Holst, Advokater Advokatpartnerselskab
T, +45 8934 0000
F, +45 8934 0001

CVR: 35680470


Hans Broges Gade 2

DK-8000 Aarhus C


Indiavej 1

DK-2100 København Ø


Due diligence and negotiations during acquisition of share majority

Holst, assisted Swedish group Axel Johnson International AB when the group in 2020 took over the share majority in the family-owned industrial company, Caldan Conveyor A/S.

Axel Johnson International AB is a Swedish group engaged in the purchase and development of technological industrial operations.

In 2020, the group wanted to take over the share majority in the family-owned industrial com-pany Caldan Conveyor A/S in Galten, Denmark, specialising in conveyors for the surface finishing industry, and Holst, provided advice to Axel Johnson International AB in connection with the acquisition.

Hence, a team from Holst, headed by Jakob Schmidt, assisted with a legal due diligence of Caldan Conveyor A/S, with negotiations pertaining to the share transfer agreement and various other transaction documents, and with the approval and performance of the transaction.

Practice areas applied