Kort om Holger
Holger er en af de toneangivende juridiske rådgivere af bygge- og anlægssektoren, også i forhold til internationale projekter.
Holger kombinerer mere end 25 års erfaring inden for fast ejendom og vedvarende energi med en direkte og løsningsorienteret stil. Han har fokus på parternes kommercielle overvejelser og sikrer de bedste forretningsmæssige løsninger, ikke kun de bedste juridiske.
Dette fokus understreges af, at Holger er uddannet mediator og voldgiftsdommer.
Erfaring & uddannelse
- 1996 Cand.jur., Aarhus Universitet
- 2009 Advokatrådets voldgiftsdommeruddannelse
- 2021 Danske Advokaters mediatoruddannelse
- 2022 Board Education - bestyrelsesuddannelse godkendt af Advokatsamfundet
- 02-03-1999
- Landsret, 2001
- Engelsk, Tysk
Dansk Selskab for Byggeret
IBA Real Estate Committee
- International Bar Association
Legal 500 2024
- “Holger Schöer has over 25 years experience in international construction projects”.
“Holger Schöer is a top-level legal adviser who has simple solutions to complex legal matters. He is available and always delivers on time with high quality”.
“We always receive advice that has a practical operational aim. It is not only the focus on legal rights that drives the process, but equally a focus on getting “the conflict” resolved quickly”.
Legal 500 2023
Real estate and construction
Holst, Advokater’s team utilises its “high level of knowledge” and “deep understanding” to assist operators and distressed contractors in the public and private sectors with insolvency related matters, construction contracts and lease agreements.
“The “highly skilled” Holger Schöer co-heads the practice.”
“Holger Schöer has longstanding experience in advising on international projects.”
“Their high level of knowledge is unique. Based on their deep understanding of the industry, they provide clear; useful and down-to-earth advice.”
“Every person on the team understands our challenges, and Holger Schöer’s experience in the field makes a difference.”
“Holger Schöer is a highly skilled solicitor, and a leader in Denmark in terms of knowledge. He is excellent in analysing the problems at hand and finding the best way forward.”
- “The team at Holst are always professional, they are of the best in the market with their high level of expertise and work morale.”
2003 FIDIC: International Entrepriseret i et dansk perspektiv. Gjellerup
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